Employee Application Form
Online Recruitment Form
Note: |
Kindly use Internet Explorer(10 to 11) or Mozilla Firefox(48 and 57) or Google Chrome (50 and 63) to fill in the Application Form.
Fill in the details and click on Save & Next to save data and proceed.
Use of Mouse is preffered to move between fields instead of Tab Key.
Fields marked with * are mandatory.
Already Registered users can login here.
Company / Institution Name |
Upload Your Photo |
Note: |
Please bring passport size photograph. |
upload your photo and signature here.
Educational Qualification (In chronological order from UG to Higher Qualification) |
Teaching Experience/Administrative Experience/Post(s) & responsibilities held |
Please upload your Experience Certificate here.(If you have multiple certificates, merge them into a single pdf file.) |
Details of Council Registration (Applicable only to Teaching Staff) |
Details of Publications (Applicable only to Teaching Staff) |
Presentations (Applicable only to Teaching Staff) |
*Please upload your Resume here. |
I declare that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Version 15.01.01