Important Information

Read the below instructions carefully, before filling up the form:

  1. Candidate has to fill in the below mentioned details to receive the User ID and Password.
  2. Candidate will receive the User ID and Password on the registered email address and or on the registered mobile number. Overseas candidates will receive both User ID and Password on registered email address.
  3. Candidate can login with the User ID and Password to complete the application form for Punjab Police Recruitment Exam 2021.
  4. Candidate must provide Correct Name, Date of Birth, Mobile Number and Email Address as these details cannot be changed once the registration is completed.

If Candidate had already registered for Punjab Police Recruitment 2021, kindly use the same User ID and Password to fill Application Form(s) for different Posts.

Candidates who have already registered and successfully submitted the Application Form in with correct data for the Post of Sub Inspector, Head Constable, Intelligence Assistant (In The Rank Of Constable) In Intelligence Cadre Of Punjab Police And Constable In Punjab Police Investigation Cadre (PBI) in 2021, do not require to fill the Application Form again until candidate wishes to change any previously submitted detail/s. Candidates will need to pay the Fee as applicable for any Fresh Application Form submission.

Already Registered In 2021

Registered In 2022